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Silverman/Borenstein PLLC


13111 E. Briarwood Ave Ste 340
Centennial, CO 80112


(303) 768-0200

Dealing with Silverman/Borenstein PLLC collections? Understand your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to protect yourself from harassment and unfair practices. Avoid direct communication with collection agencies and seek professional help to improve your credit score and remove negative items from your report. Whether it’s stopping wage garnishment, disputing inaccuracies, or handling debt validation, it’s crucial to know the best strategies. For personalized assistance and a comprehensive credit repair plan, contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier financial future.

Detener el acoso por deudas Obtener ayuda

Este campo tiene fines de validación y no debe modificarse.

¿Desea retirar hoy sus colecciones?

Contact Silverman/Borenstein PLLC at (716) 557-7812 for a free credit consultation. Our paralegals are ready to help you with your situation. You can also email us at info@cpgcomplete.com for assistance.

Can Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Collections Be Removed from My Credit Report?

Depending on your case, it may be possible to have collections removed, settled, or improved. It’s best to have your account reviewed with Silverman/Borenstein PLLC to determine the best course of action. Reach out today to see how we can assist you.

Should I Contact or Pay Silverman/Borenstein PLLC?

Communicating directly with a collection agency can be risky. Making payments may reset the clock and worsen the situation. It’s often better to work with a professional credit repair service, which can handle disputes and remove negative items from your report effectively.

Will Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Sue Me or Garnish My Wages?

While the chances are low, Consumer Protection Group can help reduce this risk. They can manage disputes and possibly improve your credit report to avoid potential legal actions. Protect your financial well-being by contacting us today.

¿Qué es el embargo de salario?

Wage garnishment is a legal way of collecting debt from an employee’s paycheck. However, this method is not allowed in some states. Unauthorized threats of garnishment or foreclosure by Silverman/Borenstein PLLC are illegal. Know your rights and stand firm against unfair practices.

Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Complaints

If you experience harassment, consider filing a complaint. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) can support you. Complaints can be filed for any form of harassment or false information reported by Silverman/Borenstein PLLC.

Cómo afectan los cobros a su crédito

Failure to make timely payments, exceeding credit limits, or late payments can lead to collections. Collection agencies report these incidents to credit bureaus, impacting your credit score. Dispute any false claims to protect your credit profile.

Your Rights When Dealing with Silverman/Borenstein PLLC

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) offers protection from unfair practices. Silverman/Borenstein PLLC must prove their right to collect a debt, and your data must remain private. If they fail to validate the debt, they may face legal consequences.

More Tips on Dealing with Silverman/Borenstein PLLC

Avoid direct communication. Request all correspondence in writing and document all interactions. Know your rights and don’t be intimidated by their tactics. Protect your assets and report any harassment or false claims to the authorities.

What Is Silverman/Borenstein PLLC?

Silverman/Borenstein PLLC is a legitimate debt collection agency, but they have received numerous complaints for violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Be aware of your rights before contacting them.

Is Silverman/Borenstein PLLC a Scam?

Silverman/Borenstein PLLC is a real company that collects debts. However, complaints suggest they may have violated consumer rights. Contact them with caution and seek professional help if necessary.

Who Does Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Collect For?

They collect for various clients, including credit card companies and student loan providers. If they have contacted you, it’s likely about a student loan or credit card debt.

How Many Complaints Against Silverman/Borenstein PLLC?

Numerous complaints have been filed online, including on their Better Business Bureau page. Many allege violations of the FDCPA and false reporting of debt. Know your rights and consider professional assistance to manage these disputes.

Can Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Sue Me or Garnish My Wages?

Empty threats to sue or garnish wages are illegal. Contact us immediately if you feel threatened, and we can help protect your assets and rights.

Can You Help Me File a No-Fee Lawsuit Against Silverman/Borenstein PLLC?

Yes, we can assist in filing a lawsuit against Silverman/Borenstein PLLC for violations. However, resolving the issue outside of court is often less stressful and yields better outcomes.

Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Calling You?

Understand your rights under the FCRA and TCPA to protect yourself. Don’t let collectors intimidate you. Document all interactions and seek legal advice if necessary.

Can I Sue Silverman/Borenstein PLLC for Harassment?

Yes, you can sue if they violate your consumer rights. Compensation can be up to $1,000 for fraudulent activities. Know your rights and take legal action if needed.

Want to Stop Silverman/Borenstein PLLC Debt Collection Harassment Now?

If you experience any of the following, you have grounds for a lawsuit:
– Calls at inappropriate times
– Revealing personal information to third parties
– Attempting to collect more than you owe
– Using offensive language or threats
– Prank calls or contacting your employer