214 Expo Circle, Suite 7
West Monroe, LA 71292
(318) 807-4500
Coast Professional, Inc. is a collection agency based in Geneseo, New York, specializing in debt recovery services for various consumers, including universities and government agencies. They aim to assist individuals in managing collections effectively while protecting their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Coast Professional, Inc. is known for its rigorous collection practices, which can lead to complaints from consumers regarding harassment and debt validation issues. The Consumer Protection Group offers support in dealing with this agency, helping clients navigate disputes and improve their credit reports through professional credit repair services.
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Coast Professional, Inc. is a collection agency headquartered in Geneseo, New York, with offices in West Monroe, Louisiana. This agency provides professional debt collection services on behalf of various consumers, including universities, colleges, and government agencies.
¿Desea retirar hoy sus colecciones?
Call them at (716) 355-0119 for a free credit consultation. We have helped many people in your situation, and paralegals are standing by waiting to take your call.
También puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a info@cpgcomplete.com
Reseñas adicionales de BBB
Tipo de reclamación: Problemas de facturación/cobro
Kristie (or Christie) called my home number (972-********) from Coast Professional, Inc. and requested that I verify my name and my birthday was July 1965. My birth year is not 1965, but I was not going to confirm or deny any information to these people. She would not give me any additional information as to why she was calling or why I needed to verify myself or my birth information. I asked for her name, company name, and telephone number and called back to see if she would answer, and she did. This is the second time someone has called me from this company. I need to know why they are contacting me and if this call is legitimate. Also, the calls need to stop. This company appears to be a problem with other consumers. I hope they are not allowed to put any false information on my credit report. Thank you.
Tipo de reclamación: Problemas de facturación/cobro
I have no knowledge of this debt; it just showed up on my credit report, being opened in November 2020 by ***** financial services LLC. I disputed this debt with all three credit bureaus. I want this company to remove this debt from my credit report.
Tipo de reclamación: Problemas de facturación/cobro
This company is a debt buyer. I asked them to validate this debt that I owe them, but they couldn’t provide that. They said I paid 1203 to someone else but couldn’t provide that info. The original debt was a company called ***** and they couldn’t provide me with documentation for why I owe them 1667. I would like this removed from my credit report, and these people to stop contacting me.
Can Coast Professional, Inc. collections be removed from my credit report?
Depending on the situation, it is possible to have your collections removed, settled, or improved. It is best to have your account reviewed with Coast Professional, Inc. so the best course of action can be taken. Contact us today, so we can see how we can help.
Should I contact or pay Coast Professional, Inc.?
Hablar con una agencia de cobros puede ser perjudicial. Realizar pagos en la cuenta de cobro reinicia el reloj. Podría empeorar la situación. Por supuesto, hay ocasiones en las que es mejor pagar la cuenta de cobro, especialmente si es nueva y estás seguro de que es legítima.
The best way to deal with a debt collector is to work with a professional credit repair service. They have deleted millions of negative items from companies like Coast Professional, Inc. for millions of clients nationwide. And they can help you too.
Errores comunes que pueden deteriorar aún más su crédito
Direct communication with the collection agency leaves you vulnerable to making unnecessary payments, which reverts your efforts to the drawing board. Contact will be made on your behalf through a verified professional credit repair service. The Consumer Protection Group offers a full range of credit repair services to benefit consumers who have been mistreated by the credit and collection industry against their consumer protection rights. Contact us today for help.
Will Coast Professional, Inc. sue me or garnish my wages?
La probabilidad es mínima, pero necesita que Consumer Protection Group elimine esta carga incierta de su carga de trabajo para reducir este riesgo. Ellos filtrarán su inminente disputa y posiblemente indemnizarán su informe crediticio. Este trabajo de calidad evitará futuros conflictos y gravámenes.
Para mejorar su calificación crediticia, póngase en contacto con nosotros para que puedan intervenir y evitar demandas en su contra. Además, limpiarán su informe de crédito para una gestión más segura e ininterrumpida de su dinero. Seremos sus amigos vigilantes contra los elementos negativos en su crédito salarial.
¿Qué es el embargo de salario?
Wage garnishment is a court-ordered method of collecting money from an employer by taking some or all of an employee’s paycheck. This strategy has controversial consequences depending on state law. Therefore, it is nullified and illegal in states against wage garnishment.
Subsequently, it is illegal for any claims of foreclosure or auctioning your property by Coast Professional, Inc. These threats are unauthorized due to the nature of your involuntary debt payments.
Coast Professional, Inc. Complaints
Debería plantearse presentar una denuncia si un cobrador le acosa. Tendrá la ventaja de contar con el apoyo del Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) y del Better Business Bureau (BBB), ya que condenan cualquier forma de acoso durante el cobro. Los datos inexactos son motivo para que estas Oficinas presenten quejas contra la agencia de cobros. Al presentar quejas, usted estará protegido de los cobradores que utilizan tácticas de intimidación y acoso.
Cómo afectan los cobros a su crédito
There are several ways to harm your credit score, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Failure to make regular agreed payments could result in a collection from a bank or creditor, and overspending one’s allowed credit limit could bring about a higher interest rate. Late payments could result in credit history reductions and eventually, collection practices.
The collection agencies correlate with each other through advancing credits as insurance. If your account raises a red flag during such transactions, it will stain your credit score. Without your dispute or defense against these accounts, your ability to renew credit will be crippled and become impossible.
Your Rights When Dealing with Coast Professional, Inc.
The United States government has set strict restrictions and procedures that limit the activities of collectors towards settling their dues. Fundamentally, the Fair Credit Reporting Act shields you from any form of inhumanity or abuse from collectors. It provides a neutral ground for settlement without handicap situations. The FCRA has provided your consumer rights as follows, but not limited to:
- All personal data are insured and heavily protected, including credit card stats, mortgage loans, overdrafts, and billing reports.
- Coast Professional, Inc. must confine to you, where they cannot publicly name you as a debtor. It restricts them from constantly communicating with you to harass or criticize your credit report.
- Coast Professional, Inc. must prove its legality to collect a debt. It implies that they need to, orally and through writing, recognize themselves as authorized to conduct their collection activities, preventing cases of fraud through honesty and integrity of work.
- Your credit report should be free from inappropriate data insinuated by Coast Professional, Inc. This is a legal violation with grounds for lawsuits against them.
- FCRA provides 30 days for collectors to prove their claims to your credit report. They are tasked with the duty of enlightening you on whether payment is your sole responsibility, which entails debt validation. Failure to do so may result in legal action against collectors.
- You bear freedom from false arrest in the hands of Coast Professional, Inc. FCRA restricts any legal action unless a court is involved.
More Tips on Dealing with Coast Professional, Inc.
Avoid direct communication. Collectors will try hard to communicate with you over the phone as a tactic to trap you. It would be best to curtail communication to prevent them from profiling you in their records.
If Coast Professional, Inc. is persistent, politely inform them that you strictly demand all conversations in writing. Request a formal letter to validate their claims. You can ignore their calls once you have received the legal information.
Acquire hard evidence of communication. You must record the call if the conversation needs to be through the phone. Secretly recording the discussion has been authorized in over thirty-five states as a self-defense mechanism.
However, some states require you to gain permission from the other party to record. If you inform them that you intend to register during the conversation and continue to talk, it amounts to consent to record. It is rare as they usually hang up to escape the spotlight.
Do not act guilty. You should not attempt to hide any assets or money from a legitimate collector. It amounts to fraudulent claims if you legally own them. Avoid providing personal details such as financial status or associated bank details.
Do not give them the benefit of the doubt. Don’t believe their story on the phone. Don’t be fooled by their stories of being a compassionate owner.
Do not give them false information. If they ask for personal details such as family details, provide only facts accurate to your knowledge. Do not make up your background to convince them of your status.
No permita que le obliguen a tomar decisiones. Puede que no revelen sus intenciones de ponerse en contacto con las autoridades. Sin embargo, esto es una alarma para que emprendas acciones legales contra ellos.
Do not forget about their word. Collectors will offer several solutions to your problem, such as an apology letter, gifts, and cash incentives. Avoid any solutions mentioned in any collection letter.
Be cautious. Understand that any liability during interactions may yield fraudulent claims that may escalate your payment burdens. Therefore, beware of any form of negotiation when dealing with Coast Professional, Inc.
Having an established record with Coast Professional, Inc. can impact your credit report. Seek expert advice from a professional credit repair service.
To protect your rights as a consumer, reach out to the Consumer Protection Group and regain control of your financial status.