Don't Let Debt Collectors Harass You and Your Family
You have a right not to be harassed by debt collectors. Please educate yourself on how they're supposed to communicate with you so you know when to report them.
Consumer Protection Group gives you the tools and resources to learn how to manage debt collectors and report them for harassment. Debt harassment is often illegal. Don't let it cripple you or stop you from obtaining financial freedom.

Stop Debt Harassment from Happening to You
A financial crisis always occurs at an inopportune time in your life. You may have been ill for some time, gotten divorced, or lost your job. Once you miss a few payments on your debt, the debt collectors start coming.
If debt collectors are terrorizing you, you don't have to allow it to happen. By educating yourself on the laws surrounding debt collection, you can learn how to better communicate with debt collectors and learn what you can do to stop debt collection.
Debt collectors can email, call, or send you letters in the mail. They may even reach out to your employer and other people you know to get you to pay your debt. Some of the methods they use are legal, but others are not. One thing to keep in mind is that a debt collector can't threaten or lie to you.
How Can the FDCPA Help Me?
The FDCPA is a federal law that regulates how debts can be collected and the manners in which they can. This law applies to third-party debt collectors and not the original company or creditor that you have an agreement with.
Under this law, debt collectors can't use threats or violence to coerce you to pay. They also can't damage your reputation, your person, or your property. Additionally, they need to be polite and not use abusive language whenever they communicate with you.
In summation, a debt collector needs to be respectful, honest, and polite whenever they speak with you. If you think a debt collector is harassing you, you need to state that in writing to them and keep a copy for your records.
What Debt Collection Agencies Should I Watch Out For?
There are, unfortunately, countless debt collection agencies that harass our clients daily. We must work together to fight against their unlawful practices.
We've created a list of debt collection agencies for your reference. If any of those companies are harassing you, reach out to us, and we'll report them.
How We Can Help
Consumer Protection Group is committed to helping our clients achieve financial freedom. Don't let your debts and conniving debt collectors get in the way of that. Your financial goals are our goals, and we'll do everything in our power to help you accomplish them.
No matter where you are in your financial journey, you don't deserve to be harassed by debt collectors. Contact us today to learn how to fight for your rights.

Connect With Consumer Protection Group to Stop Debt Harassment