Learn How to Obtain Financial Freedom With Debt Management
The best way to get rid of your debt and live a life of financial freedom is with debt education. Learning basic debt management skills is essential to making that happen.

Use Debt Education to Free Yourself From Debt and Debt Harassment
Our experts at Consumer Protection Group have compiled a series of debt educational articles that will assist you no matter where you are in your financial journey. Your battle with overcoming your debt doesn't have to be a difficult one. By educating yourself with the right information, you can start paying down your debt today.
The Importance of Debt Education
When people are faced with mountains of outstanding bills, their first thought may be to file for bankruptcy. That's often the traditional approach for solving financial difficulties.
However, that's only a short-term fix. Filing for bankruptcy doesn't teach you the tools you need to avoid financial problems in the future. As a result, you may be more likely to have a similar encounter years down the road. We want our clients to learn how to save money and prevent future debt from accumulating.
By learning how to manage your expenses through awareness and education, you're able to get out of financial trouble and stay out of it. Break out of the vicious cycle and rid yourself of debt forever. When you have information and resources at your fingertips, you're able to make more informed decisions that help improve your overall quality of life.
Peruse Our Educational Series
There are multiple ways you can learn to pay your debts. In our educational series, we discuss some of our most proven strategies.
How to Pay Off a Lot of Debt
Debt can accumulate quickly if it's ignored. You also might have encountered a health issue and are left with massive bills. Taking action fast is vital to pay your debt down.
We talk about our six favorite ways to successfully pay down a large amount of debt. Each one is tailored depending upon the amount you owe and what your current financial situation is.

Debt Consolidation
If you have multiple debts, you can consolidate them into one place. Then, you'll make a single payment each month instead of multiple ones. Learn about the three different types of debt consolidation so you can decide if it's a good option for you.
Debt Settlement
With a debt settlement, certain companies will negotiate with your creditors to reduce your debt. The creditors will then sell your debt to debt collection companies at a reduced rate. It's a cheap way to get rid of part of your debt, but is it right for you?

Learn From the Experts at Consumer Protection Group
It's never too late to start educating yourself on debt management skills. Break free from the constraints your debt has placed on you. Read through our educational series and then contact us to learn more about how we can help you live a debt-free life. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us below!
You Are Not Alone
“It was shocking to know somebody out there has my best interest at hand. Each person I spoke to was knowledgeable and if they didn’t have the answer right away, they got back to me with the best information they could give.”
-Carol Benedetti, Brentwood, CA
“I went through a terrible divorce, putting myself into major debt. This has kept me stressed for months. After I contacted CPG, the rep contacted my creditors for me and worked out arrangements to make this easy on me. Very grateful!”
-Michelle Wallace, Woodsboro, TX
“I was getting calls at all hours of the day… CPG was able to resolve my issue with the collector calling my work.”
-Shannon Ward, Buffalo, NY